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Laboratoire De Recherches de GEMS



Laboratoire De Recherches de GEMS

Vue d'ensemble



Outils De Logiciel



Vue d'ensemble 

Le laboratoire de recherches de GEMS est le groupe pour le laboratoire incorporé de recherches de systèmes. Voici une vue d'ensemble générale de notre laboratoire:


Incorporé est défini en tant que fabrication quelque chose par de partie intégrale d'une autre chose. Le système est défini comme groupe des dispositifs ou des objets artificiels ou d'une organisation formant un réseau particulièrement pour distribuer quelque chose ou atteindre un objectif commun; Dictionnaire de Merriam-Webster. Par conséquent, les systèmes inclus forment de plus grands systèmes qui sont attendus pour fonctionner sans interposition humaine comme les PCS, MP3s, joueurs CD, et beaucoup de d'autres produits de film publicitaire et d'industrie. Le laboratoire de recherches de GEMS est concerné par des aspects de matériel et de conceptions et de réalisations de logiciel pour les systèmes inclus sur les plateformes faites sur commande ou commerciales.


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Étudiants gradués
Nouveaux anciens
Dr. Voicu Groza Rami Abielmona Igor Sharovar
Dr. Emil Petriu Mohammed El-Kadri Shumin Shen
  Kasia Pakulska Boris Dzerdz
  Judith Aday Tarek Saad
  Peng Fu Rami Abielmona
  Livio Dancea Michal Debski
  Nizar Sakr  
  Mohammed Elbadri  
  Laurentiu Checiu  
  Carlos Nahas  
  Abderrahmane Assal  
  Babak Noory  

Projets En cours

  • Virgule flottante CDA (janv. 2001 - janv. 2005)
  • HOSES (Logiciels d'exploitation De Matériel) (Janv. 2002 - Janv. 2006)
  • ERACE (l'architecture incluse de recherches pour Co-conçoivent l'environnement) (janv. 2004 - janv. 2006)

Après Des Projets


  • SMRLab (sentant et modelant le laboratoire de recherches)

Outils de logiciel fournis par Société Canadienne De Micro-Électronique (SCM)

      • Mathworks Matlab
      • Mentor Graphics Modelsim and Precision RTL
      • Xilinx ISE


Papiers De Journal

  1. Groza V., Dzerdz B., “Differential Predictive Floating-Point Analog-to-Digital Converter,” MEASUREMENT Journal of the International Measurement Confederation IMEKO, Elsevier Science, Special Issue on ADC Modelling and Testing, Vol. 35, Issue 4, pp. 139-151, 2004
  2. V. Groza, I. Sharovar, D. Ionescu, E. Petriu, "Smart Sensors with Universal Plug and Play Capabilities," Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 49 (63), No. 4., ISSN 1224-600X, pp. 153-158, 2004
  3. Groza V., "Experimental Determination of Synchronous Machines Reactances from DC Decay at Standstill," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 158-164, 2003
  4. E.M. Petriu, L. Zhao, S. Das, V.Z. Groza, A. Cornell, “Instrumentation applications of multibit random-data representation,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 175-181, 2003
  5. Groza V., "High Resolution Floating Point Analog-to-Digital Converter," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp.1822-1829, 2001
  6. E. Petriu, N.D. Georganas, D.C. Petriu, D. Makrakis, and V.Z. Groza, "Sensor-Based Information Appliances," IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag., Vol. 3, No. 4, 2000

Papiers De Conférence

  1. V. Groza, R. Abielmona, M. El-Kadri, M. Elbadri, N. Sakr, “A Reconfigurable Co-Processor for Adaptive Embedded Systems,” WISES 2004 - Second Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, ISBN 3-902463-00-7, pp. 105-116, June 25, 2004 - Graz, Austria
  2. R. Abielmona, V. Z. Groza, “Distributed Intelligent Sensor System: Partial Immersion into a Virtualized Reality Environment,” IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Virtual Environments and their Applications (HAVE 2004), ISBN: 0-7803-8817-8, pp. 123-128, Ottawa, Oct. 2-3, 2004
  3. V. Groza, R. Abielmona, “What next? A hardware operating system?” IMTC 2004 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Como, Italy, 18-20 May 2004
  4. C. Lambiri, D. Ionescu, V. Groza, “A New Method for the Estimation and Measurement of Traffic Packet Loss for Virtual Private Networks Services,” IMTC 2004 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Como, Italy, 18-20 May 2004
  5. V. Groza, M.Debski, D. Ionescu “Design and Implementation of a Self-Calibrating Floating Point Analog-to-Digital Converter,” IMTC 2004 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Como, Italy, 18-20 May 2004
  6. M. Abou-Gabal, R. Peterkin, D. Ionescu, C. Lambiri, V. Groza, “A Shortest Path Processor for Traffic Engineering of VPN Services,” CONTI’2004 - 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics, ISSN 1224-600X, pp. 57-62, 27 - 28 May 2004, Timisoara, Romania
  7. I. Dancea, V. Groza, L. Dancea, “A Family of Hardware Circuits for Run-time Reconfigurable Computing,” CONTI’2004 - 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics, ISSN 1224-600X, pp. 73-7827 - 28 May 2004, Timisoara, Romania
  8. R. Abielmona , V. Groza , N. Sakr, J. Ho, “Low-Level Run-Time Reconfiguration of FPGAs for Dynamic Environments,” accepted at CCECE 2004 - Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2-5, 2004, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
  9. A. Assal, V. Groza, E. M. Petriu, "Agent-based Resource Management Framework for Smart Robotic Sensors," accepted at CCECE 2004 - Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2-5, 2004, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
  10. R. Abielmona, V. Groza, E. M. Petriu, “Evolutionary Neural Network-based Sensor Self-Calibration Scheme using IEEE 1451 and Wireless Sensor Networks,” accepted at IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications CIMSA 2003, Lugano, Switzerland 29-31 July 2003
  11. V. Groza, “Floating-Point Data Acquisition System with Improved Noise Immunity,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2003, ISBN 0-7803-7705-2, pp. 1454-1458, Vail, Colorado, 20-22 May, 2003
  12. V. Groza, M. Debski, “Self-Calibrating Differential Predictive Floating Point Analog-to-Digital Converter,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2003, ISBN 0-7803-7705-2, pp. 1604-1606, Vail, Colorado, 20-22 May, 2003
  13. R. Abielmona, V. Groza, E. M. Petriu, “Genetic algorithm Synthesis (GaS): A Novel Approach for the Synthesis of LUT-based Archictectures,” IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques in Instrumentation, Measurement and Related Applications SCIMA 2003, ISBN 0-7803-7711-7, pp.50-55, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, May 17, 2003
  14. V. Groza, B. Noory, “A Reconfigurable Approach to Digital Implementation of Neural Networks,” accepted at IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits & Systems, SCS 2003, Iasi, Romania, July 10-11, 2003
  15. R. Abielmona, E. M. Petriu, V. Groza, “Can an Intelligent Society of Robots Survive in a Hostile Environment?” IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2003, Montréal, May 4-7, 2003
  16. D. Makrakis, Dong Liu, V. Groza, “A Channel Condition Dependent QoS Enabling Scheme for IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN and Its Linux Based Implementation", IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2003, Montréal, May 4-7, 2003
  17. D. Makrakis, B. Zhou, V. Groza, “QoS-Capable Micro-mobility MPLS and its Prototype Implementation,” IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2003, Montréal, May 4-7, 2003
  18. M. H. Assaf, R. R. Abielmona, P. Abolghasem, S. R. Das, E. M. Petriu and V. Groza: “JBits Implementation and Design Verification in Space Compressor Design of Digital Circuits,” IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 10-13, 2003 (Conference Proceedings, pp. 415-420)
  19. Groza V., Dzerdz B. "FPGA Based Implementation of a Floating-Point Analog-to-Digital Converter," 4-th IEE International Conference on Advanced A/D and D/A Conversion Techniques and their Applications & 7-th European Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing ADDA&EWADC 2002, ISBN 80-01-02540-3, pp.143-146, Prague, Czech Republic, June 26-28, 2002.
  20. Groza V. "Floating-Point ADC Optimized for Acquisition of Deterministic Signals," IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2002, ISBN 0-7803-7218-2, pp. 707 – 712, Anchorage, Alaska, 21-23 May, 2002
  21. Groza V., Abielmona R., Petriu E. “ADPCM environment with a neural network predictor engine,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2002, ISBN 0-7803-7218-2, pp. 541 – 546, Anchorage, Alaska, 21-23 May, 2002.
  22. Cretu A.M., Groza V., Al-Dhaher A., Abielmona R., “Performance Evaluation of a Software Cluster,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2002, Anchorage, ISBN 0-7803-7218-2, pp. 1543 – 1548, Alaska, 21-23 May, 2002.
  23. E.M. Petriu, G.G. Patry, T.E. Whalen, A.H. Al-Dhaher and V. Z. Groza, “Intelligent Robotic Sensor Agents for Environment Monitoring, ” Proc. VIMS 2002 - IEEE International Symposium on Virtual and Intelligent Measurement Systems, ISBN: 0-7803-7344-8, pp. 14-19, Girdwood, AK, USA, May 2002.
  24. Groza V., Abielmona R., Petriu E., “Reconfigurable Computing: Exploring Emerging Technologies,” INES 2002, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, ISBN 953-6071-17-7, pp. 539-544, Opatija, Croatia, 25-28 May, 2002
  25. E.M. Petriu, T.E. Whalen, and V.Z. Groza, “Haptic Perception System for Robotic Tele-Manipulation,” INES 2002, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2002, ISBN 953-6071-17-7, pp. 51-56, Opatija, Croatia, May 26-28, 2002.
  26. Abielmona R., Groza V. “Intelligence in Architectures: Reconfigurable Learning Techniques in Autonomous Agents,” Canadian Conference of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CCECE'02, ISBN 0-7803-7514-9, pp. 786 – 791, Winnipeg, May 12-15, 2002.
  27. Saad T., Yang T., Makrakis D., Groza V., “Inter-Domain Adaptive Traffic Engineering for IP Differentiated Services MPLS-based Networks,” Canadian Conference of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CCECE'02, ISBN 0-7803-7514-9, pp. 1527 – 1531, Winnipeg, May 12-15, 2002.
  28. Groza V., Cretu V., Bogoevici M. “Distributed Virtual Instrumentation Architecture,” Sicon/01, IEEE and ISA Sensors for Industry Conference, ISBN 0-7803-6659-X, pp. 177-181, Rosemont, Illinois, 5-7 November 2001
  29. Groza V., Cretu V, Zmaranda D., “Issues on Developing Real-Time Control Applications,” Sicon/01, IEEE and ISA Sensors for Industry Conference, ISBN 0-7803-6659-X, pp. 137-142, Rosemont, Illinois, 5-7 November 2001
  30. Abielmona R., Groza V. “Circuit synthesis evolution using a hardware-based genetic algorithm.” CCECE 2001 - Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp 963-967, Toronto, June 2001
  31. Groza V., Biriescu M., Liuba Gh., Cretu V. “Experimental Determination of Synchronous Machines Reactances from DC Decay at Standstill.” IMTC’2001, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technical Conference, ISBN: 0-7803-6648-8, pp. 1954-1957, Budapest, Hungary, May 2001
  32. Abielmona R., Groza V. “The design of an evolvable coprocessor.” IMTC’2001, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technical Conference, ISBN: 0-7803-6648-8, pp. 844-847, Budapest, Hungary, May 2001
  33. Abielmona R., Wael H., Groza V., Petriu E. “The Architecture of an IP over ATM Processor.” ICT 2001 – IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications, ISBN 973 – 99995 – 3 – 0, pp. 321-326, Bucharest, Romania, June 4-7 2001



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